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Do You Want To Become A Member ?


By becoming a member of The Wellness Connection Inc. you will be joining a network of pastors, churches, community leaders, and partners for the purpose of creating a more healthy and empowered community.

As a member, you will be on the front-lines making a difference by addressing the health and wellness disparities that has impacted black and brown communities and neighborhoods throughout the Greater Indianapolis region in three critical areas: education, access to quality health and mental care, and concerning individuals and their families to health and wellness resources through various WCI programs and partnerships.
With your participation in this comprehensive spirit, soul, and body strategy to improves health and wellness outcomes in our community, the impact will be huge in what can be achieved. And as a member you will receive VIP access to trainings, partnerships, health and wellness ministry development fro your church, organization, or community, and more...



  1. We believe that God is the creator of the heavens and earth and all that dwells therein.

  2. We believe that both faith and science working together makes our community a healthier

    and more prosperous community

  3. We believe in the holistic and comprehensive approach to affect the quality of life by improving nutrition, reducing violence, addressing mental and emotional health, and creating entrepreneurial and economic opportunity and growth.

  4. We believe that we work better together and partnerships between health care, churches, and businesses is critical for a health community.

  5. We believe that education and access to resources are key to a healthier neighborhood.

  6. We believe in the grassroot empowerment and mobilization of local residents to fully participate to advocate for their own health.


Change the world

Your voice, talents, and resources will contribute greatly to the goals set before us. Will you consider joining such an important initiative? After the application approval, your cost to join the WCI's mission as a member is only $250.00 annually.  Click the link below and let's change the world together

Join a network of pastors, churches, community leaders and partner working together to create a healthy and empowered community. Find out more by clicking Here.

Partnership is a WCI core value, contact us to discover the great opportunities to work together to fulfill shared goals. If you want to be contacted click here!

Your gift will impact many by reducing or eliminating health disparities. Become a sponsor today! Click here to find out how you can contribute.

To subscribe to WCI's email list to receive updates and announcements, click Here!

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